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1st Week Madness - INDII Brew Co.

1st Week Madness

Wow, for our 1st week it's been absolutely NUTS! Since we launched we've been busy nonstop; updating and promoting the website, getting to grips with our social media accounts and uploading our products (which of course needed testing), finding the perfect packaging (snoozefest), getting out and about (sometimes lost!) making local deliveries and visiting different brewery’s.
We're now stocking beers from three new breweries; ‘The Donkeystone Brewing Co’, ‘Salt Beer Factory' and ‘Magic Rock Brewing’. We’ve even managed to get some top tips from the master brewers to improve our own home brew...but that's just for us!
The basement has become the new ‘Indii Brew Co’ HQ and we've put a system in place which means we get beers to you guys as efficiently as possible! We've had a few teething problems as you'd expect from a new business, but we're working through those to make sure you guys are never left disappointed with the service you receive!
A massive THANK YOU to everybody who has supported us over the last week, and a huge socially distanced CHEERS to everybody who ordered from us, we hope you have enjoyed your beers as much as we've enjoyed bringing them to you.
As a business our mission is to root out the breweries you've never heard of and give you the chance to taste their beer! And that's exactly what we'll be doing this week, so get your details registered and keep your eyes peeled over the coming weeks for new and exciting arrivals.
P.S. We want you to enjoy your time with us as much as possible, so if you have any suggestions to improve the site, or have any beers or breweries you want to see added then get in touch. If we use your suggestion you might just see a special thank you land in your inbox :-)
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